Thursday, December 19, 2013

What Did You Say?

Last night I started to write another blog.  It was the second in my "Waiting For Grace" Series.  I really enjoy writing fun, light-hearted blogs.  They roll off the tips of my fingers easily, usually I think faster than I can type.  When I sat down tonight, I could not finish that blog.  I am too upset about Phil Robertson, Duck Dynasty, and A&E.

If you have read any of my past blogs you know that I am a Christian.  First, I would like to define the type of Christian I am.  I feel the need to do so because friends, some former, and even family, have misguided views of my family life and family values.  So, here is my introduction into The Larsen's, Southern Baptists, 101.

We are a Christ centered family.  Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior.  Jesus was sent to this earth to atone for our sins so that we might live again, in Heaven.  "….The bible is the true center of Christian union and the standard by which all human conduct , creeds, and opinions,  should be tried".*  With that said, and contrary to what some believe, we and most Christians, do not hate those people who are different from us.

Liberals, and those people who fail to get to know true Christians, are quick judge, or assume the way  Christians live our lives.  Often the bible is used against us as a means to incite fear and hate.  Today, news spread quickly that Phil Robertson was suspended by A&E, from his own show for his views on homosexuality.  Mr. Robertson did not attack any one person nor  did he spread hate speech.  He simply quoted a verse from the bible and gave an opinion of homosexual relationships, rather colorfully.   He did not incite hate towards homosexuals but liberals seem to be missing that point.

Upon seeing the web uproar on Facebook, I felt the need to express my opinion.  I chose to stand up for Phil Robertson.  I expected to get a fair number of "likes" on my post.  Since I have friends from all walks of life I also expected opposing points of view.  What I often find, in times of disagreement, is a one sided "attack".  A “friend” willing to make a one time post on my wall, poo-pooing Christians and our intolerant ways.  As a follow up, I posted my reply.   Instead of an adult exchange of views,  our cyber conversation came to an abrupt end.

I was surprised for a moment because of the person posting the comment.   I am more surprised when down the cyber wall I see an angry rant, dotted with profanity posted by my cyber “friend”.  Why does it come to this?  Why are Christians always labeled as intolerant?  Why are liberals, and those who have a bone to pick with Christians,  so fearful of intelligent conversation?  I have never had an earnest conversation with someone who actually wanted to hear what I had to say.  I have offered, begged, pleaded, asked nicely, and nothing has ever come to fruition.  Am I that scary?

So as we approach the celebration of the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, I ask for peace and tolerance for all people.  I ask for the same standard of acceptance of all faiths, not just the groups that politically correct.  Jesus Christ is the center of the Christian faith.  He embraced all people:  the poor, the sick, criminals, prostitutes, the rich, those people who hated Him, those people who loved Him.  If those people were good enough for Christ, don't you think they are good enough for Christ followers?  If we as Christians follow the bible, don't you, as non-Christians think we live by these words:

"Matthew 40...... And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me."

*Mid-Way Baptist Church, Raleigh, NC

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