Monday, December 30, 2013

I Do Declare!

I have spent the better part of the past 2 months thinking about how I wanted to change my life in 2014.  Like thousands, more likely millions of other people, I have made some very definite decisions about the direction I would like my life to take.  Unlike millions of other people I am not calling my decisions New Year's resolutions.  For my purposes declarations seem more appropriate.

Yesterday, the student ministries pastor gave our Sunday sermon.  To my disappointment he began his sermon with statistics on the failure rates of New Year's resolutions.  I immediately thought to myself, "I am doomed before I even begin".   I believe our pastor's sermon was intentionally negative.  Resolutions without support, especially, of our Lord and Savior are likely to fail.  "Hmmm", I thought to myself, this needs more thought and a lot more prayer.

So with careful thought and prayer I have come up with my declarations.  I have decided that in place of New Year's resolutions I will make "public" New Year's declarations through my blog.  By making my declarations for the world to see, or the 5 or so people who read this blog, I am accountable to my God and those people who read about my life.  I will no longer have the luxury of cheating myself out of positive changes.

After a lot of soul searching, I have decided that the items on the following list are the areas that I would most like to change in 2014 and beyond.  If there are those of you who would like to join me on this journey please feel free to let me know.  Here it goes:

1.  I need to completely change the way I eat.  One would never know that I "minored" in nutrition.  I need to set a better example for my girls.  My youngest daughter would greatly benefit from an organic/non-processed food diet.

2.  I need to move my body more.  I have spent the last 7 years dealing with chronic pain.  I would like to do all I can to lessen the strain on my body before I hit the big 50 (in 5 years).

3.  Spend more time in prayer and in the Word.  Enough said!

4.  Be a better wife, mother, friend.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Merry Christmas

I would like to take this opportunity to wish friends and family a very Merry Christmas.  May your hearts and home be filled with love, joy, and peace.   May the love of Jesus Christ be with you, the whole year through.

Monday, December 23, 2013

"Momma, Who Is Obama Care"??!!!

As a Christian I have heard the expression "bible thumper" more times than I can tell you.  To be completely honest, I have never had the opportunity to come close to beating anyone about the head or anywhere else with the bible.  I don't think I have even come close to excessive scripture quoting either.  What I do know is that I, like so many other Christians, have sat back and put up with this stereo-type because it is what Jesus would do.

So, ask me what Christian stereotypes and Obama Care have in common?  Not much really except for the fact that I feel, no I know, that we as a nation are being beaten over the head with a  healthcare plan that is not working.  Not a day goes by when Obama Care is not the lead story on the nightly national news and the first story we see on the morning news programs.  Obama Care is THE major topic on most cable news networks and satellite radio programs.  OBC is everywhere.

I had no idea just how bad things had gotten until this past Friday.  Paige, my 5 year old asked me:  "Mamma, who is Obama care?"  I could not believe what I had just heard.  Paige has ADHD and can not sit long enough to watch TV, yet she knows enough to ask about Obama Care.  My poor baby's ears, what has she heard?  I did my best to explain to her what OB Care is, but how much can a 5 year truly comprehend?  How much can our country comprehend?  OBC is an ever changing beast?

The OBC situation worsened.  As I was driving the next day, listening to FOX News, I heard a clip that truly angered me.  Our president's wife was appealing to US moms on the virtues of Obama care.  Since the Affordable Healthcare Act is not reaching  all of its intended audience, Mrs. Obama suggested that mothers start reaching out to their 20 something children.  Mrs. Obama was tugging at the heart strings of mothers, playing the "what if something happens" card.

If that was not despicable enough next came the "Christmas treat" comment.  Since when is Christmas a time that we should be sitting around our family table discussing Obama Care?  Can you imagine how that conversation would go?  I realize that affordable healthcare is a major concern to most US families.  It is in our home.  We have a $3000.00 per year, deductible to meet, plus a $6,000.00 out of pocket max per year, but the last thing we will discuss is Obama Care.

As we sit down to our Christmas day meal, we will begin by giving thanks for the blessings bestowed on our family by the heavenly Father.  We will give thanks and praise for the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ.  We will pray for friends and family who could not be with us, and those struggling with illness and other needs.  We will pray for a world that wants less God and individuals who wish to silence those of us who speak His name.  

I do not have room in my Christmas day for conversations about our broken healthcare system.  There are children to be hugged, and a giant meal to be cooked.  There are prayers to be said, and naps to be taken.  Christmas is a day of celebration.  We are meant to open our hearts and receive the love of a newborn babe.  There is no room for Obama Care in my home on this glorious day.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Age Doesn't Matter……That Much

In a little over 2 weeks I will be 45 years old.  Every time I think about the fact that I am only 5 years away from 50 it seems utterly impossible.  Some friends, and even family, have commented that I must be crazy to even think about adopting another child, number three.  I completely disagree because I don't feel that "old" and, thankfully I don't think I look it either.

I have been blessed to have been given a fresh start in life.  When I was in my mid 30's my life started a new.  The changes in my life were significant, I became a new person, body and soul.  There were two significant events which changed my life forever: the first was my marriage to my husband Claus, second was giving my life to my savior Jesus Christ.  So, by the grace of God, I was reborn when I was 36.  I really can't be that old.

As I look back over my life, most of my 20's and early 30's were difficult.  I was unhappy, in a very difficult marriage, and I struggled to put on a happy face for the world.  Ten and a half years of a bad relationship took its toll.  I felt old at 30.  I was tired, beat down, and more sad that I ever thought I could be.  Finally, my oldest daughter, gave me the strength I did not have, to leave a life that was slowing killing me.  I will be forever grateful for the insight of a then 4 year old.

Flash forward  to 2013, my life has completely changed.  I am happily re-married, with 2 beautiful girls.  If God is willing, we will welcome another daughter into our home some time in 2014.  I could never have imagined that my life could be so joy filled.  I am happier now than when I was 24 years old.  It is hard to imagine that I can be 20 years older and actually feel younger, happier, more full of life and more full of love.

I feel fortunate that I have never fretted over the milestone birthdays.  Forty wasn't bad so I am guessing that 45 won't be that bad either.  The only time I have ever really worried about about my age is when I was been called "Grandma" by a clueless cashier, while out shopping with my youngest daughter Paige.  I get that she is only by 5 but come on, I don't have that many wrinkles.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

What Did You Say?

Last night I started to write another blog.  It was the second in my "Waiting For Grace" Series.  I really enjoy writing fun, light-hearted blogs.  They roll off the tips of my fingers easily, usually I think faster than I can type.  When I sat down tonight, I could not finish that blog.  I am too upset about Phil Robertson, Duck Dynasty, and A&E.

If you have read any of my past blogs you know that I am a Christian.  First, I would like to define the type of Christian I am.  I feel the need to do so because friends, some former, and even family, have misguided views of my family life and family values.  So, here is my introduction into The Larsen's, Southern Baptists, 101.

We are a Christ centered family.  Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior.  Jesus was sent to this earth to atone for our sins so that we might live again, in Heaven.  "….The bible is the true center of Christian union and the standard by which all human conduct , creeds, and opinions,  should be tried".*  With that said, and contrary to what some believe, we and most Christians, do not hate those people who are different from us.

Liberals, and those people who fail to get to know true Christians, are quick judge, or assume the way  Christians live our lives.  Often the bible is used against us as a means to incite fear and hate.  Today, news spread quickly that Phil Robertson was suspended by A&E, from his own show for his views on homosexuality.  Mr. Robertson did not attack any one person nor  did he spread hate speech.  He simply quoted a verse from the bible and gave an opinion of homosexual relationships, rather colorfully.   He did not incite hate towards homosexuals but liberals seem to be missing that point.

Upon seeing the web uproar on Facebook, I felt the need to express my opinion.  I chose to stand up for Phil Robertson.  I expected to get a fair number of "likes" on my post.  Since I have friends from all walks of life I also expected opposing points of view.  What I often find, in times of disagreement, is a one sided "attack".  A “friend” willing to make a one time post on my wall, poo-pooing Christians and our intolerant ways.  As a follow up, I posted my reply.   Instead of an adult exchange of views,  our cyber conversation came to an abrupt end.

I was surprised for a moment because of the person posting the comment.   I am more surprised when down the cyber wall I see an angry rant, dotted with profanity posted by my cyber “friend”.  Why does it come to this?  Why are Christians always labeled as intolerant?  Why are liberals, and those who have a bone to pick with Christians,  so fearful of intelligent conversation?  I have never had an earnest conversation with someone who actually wanted to hear what I had to say.  I have offered, begged, pleaded, asked nicely, and nothing has ever come to fruition.  Am I that scary?

So as we approach the celebration of the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, I ask for peace and tolerance for all people.  I ask for the same standard of acceptance of all faiths, not just the groups that politically correct.  Jesus Christ is the center of the Christian faith.  He embraced all people:  the poor, the sick, criminals, prostitutes, the rich, those people who hated Him, those people who loved Him.  If those people were good enough for Christ, don't you think they are good enough for Christ followers?  If we as Christians follow the bible, don't you, as non-Christians think we live by these words:

"Matthew 40...... And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me."

*Mid-Way Baptist Church, Raleigh, NC

Monday, December 16, 2013

Is There An IT Man In The House

I am the luckiest woman in the world.  In the husband department, you can say I won the "Mega Millions".  My husband will do absolutely anything for me.  As Dr. Laura, the conservative radio talk show host says, "he would swim through shark infested waters for me".  There is usually only one thing I can never get him to do, it's look at my computer.

There really isn't any reason why Claus can't look at my computer, at least I know of.  You see, my husband Claus is very knowledgeable about computers.  He is a Senior Software Architect for a major pharmaceutical company.  Claus has worked for the same company for almost 20 years, he is very good at what he does.

I have not been able to figure out what his hesitation is with working on our home computers. I don't think my daughter and I have unusually difficult questions.  When he does take a look at our laptops, it almost always takes just a few minutes to fix our problems.  We also don't bother Claus very much with computer problems, just when we are in over our heads.

This evening, before I started to write this blog, I found myself stuck on an issue I could not fix.  I was determined to not to ask my husband to help me with my problem.  I knew he was already working on our daughter's computer.  After about an hour of searching for an answer I was beyond frustrated.  Not only could I not find an answer to my question, I could not find an e-mail address or phone number to technical support.  I was really irritated.

Just when I reached my absolute point of frustration I found my answer, or so I think.  The answer looks perfectly plausible, at least in my mind anyway. Finally,  I did not have to ask my husband the answer to my question.  I felt pretty good being able to handle myself and my computer question like a "big girl".  

Tomorrow will be the true test of wether or not my fix worked.  So for tonight I can go to bed with the satisfaction of knowing I did something on my own.  I also feel good because I did not have to add to my husband's to do list.  Claus had to go through and do 122 updates on my daughter's laptop.  No wonder he want's to turn and run every time we have a computer question.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Advent 101

I don't know why I am surprised by the fact that it's December 1st.  Christmas commercials have been on TV since the middle of October.  It is unfortunate, but I feel society has taken Christ out of Christmas.  When was the last time you saw a Christmas  commercial that actually has something to do with Christ?  Have you ever seen a Christmas commercial that had something to do with Christ?  I didn't think so.

 Since becoming a Christian, Christmas has taken on a far greater meaning to me and  my family.  Christmas is not just a day of presents, tinsel, and trees.  I am not worried about the biggest sale or the best bargain.  Somethings are just more important.  I have made it a point to constantly remind my children that Christmas is the the day we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  It is not just the day we get presents.

Today is  the first day of Advent, a Christian season of preparation and anticipation of Christ’s birth. Advent is celebrated prior to Christmas day, most notably once a week, on Sunday.  Each week, one of four candles  is lit on and Advent wreath.  The lighting of each candles symbolize, expectation, hope, joy, and purity.   

Our family has chosen to celebrate Advent each of the 24 days leading up until Christmas.  There are many ways in which your family can embrace the season of Advent.  One was is reading daily scripture.  Since I homeschool my children, my girls and I start the day off by reading scripture.  Other ways to celebrate Advent are spending time with your family, serving your community, making holiday crafts, baking and sharing cookies, or even singing Christmas carols to seniors in your community.

Christmas is a season of giving.  God gave His only son to an undeserving world.  Advent is a season when we begin to prepare our hearts for the coming of Christ.  There is no better way to get in the Christmas spirit than to give of ourselves.  Instead of showering children with the latest toys, newest, biggest, and best of everything, teach them the true meaning of the season.  Put Christ back in Christmas, let Him live in your heart.