Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Simple Words Of Wisdom

It has been about 15 years since the death of my grandfather.  Not a day goes by when I don't think about my Pop, AKA Papa Fritz.  I was blessed to have my maternal grandparents in my life into my early 30's.  One of the memories I miss most about my Papa is the long talks we used to have around his kitchen table.  My Pop was a quiet man, but when we sat down at that table we could talk for hours.

Many of the conversations I had with my Pop could have been world history lessons.  As a young man, my pop travelled the world as a merchant marine.  Pop lived through 2 world wars, lived on two continents, and was the smartest man I ever knew.  My life was shaped by my beloved Papa.  He imparted in me, important words of wisdom that  I still try to live by today.

One of the most important lessons my grandfather ever taught me was:  "Don't EVER trust anyone who doesn't like animals, especially dogs".  At the time I did't think much about his comment because I was young.  As I  became older, this sentiment has taken on far greater meaning.  It is, or has been, the criteria for which I have chosen friends, purchased products I use, and when I was younger determined where I lived.

Lately, I have thought more about my Papa's simple words.  I wonder what our world would be like if all people used this advice as a tool for measuring character?  We live in a world where politicians, dominant the news for poor behavior, inside and outside the political office.  We live in a world where young adults playing the "knock out game" make the national nightly news.  We live in a world where apathy flows through our society like the Mississippi River.

Imagine now a world in which one's character was measured by the compassion and affection one felt for animals. Now think about those people who don’t have compassion or affection for animals.    Which group of people do you think would be more inclined to work for a community instead of fighting for the prestige of political office?  Think of impressionable adolescents, who had genuine compassion and affection for animals, would they be on the streets inflicting pain and suffering on complete strangers?  Would rampant apathy exist if "we" as a society learned to care for someone or something other than oneself?

My Papa did not hold prestigious degrees or go to expensive universities, and yet he gave me a priceless education.  My Papa was a simple man, he loved his family, he loved his animals, and he was happiest at home on his farm.  As I look back over my life,  Pop's advice always kept my life on the right path .   When I have lost sight of Pop's advice, I usually lost sight of my self and the way I was meant to live.

So, as I look ahead to the new year, I am confident in new beginnings.  I know that January 1st has come and gone but I think that there's still time for one more resolution/declaration.  This year will be like no other.  Bigger and better things are on the horizon: with the words of my Papa, prays to my Heavenly Father, and heeding, the advice of a Northerner, former southern bell, I know this is going to be the best year ever!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

The Next Endangered Species

I will apologize up front if my blog takes on a cynical tone today.  My week has gotten off to a shaky start and it's only Tuesday.  When I have a week, or days like this I really miss my Aunt Mary, and having a best friend.  My Aunt Mary was killed, almost 2 years ago, in a tragic car accident.  Unfortunately, 3 members of my family were killed on that day.  In the past, when I had days like today, I would often pick up the phone and call Mary.

As for my best friend, I guess I don't have one.  I had a very close friend for 12 years before our friendship ended.  My new found faith, our an all consuming adoption process, her use of alcohol and her history of depression damaged our friendship.  I tried many times to heal the wounds of our friendship but her heart was hardened to any reconciliation.

I have been blessed to meet many nice people since moving to North Carolina.  Meeting people has not been the issue, finding women and other families willing to invest time to grow a close friendships is the problem.  Life is far to busy with after homeschool activities, church commitments, and day to day family "stuff" for me to ever plan get togethers with like-minded women.

There have been times when my life has interfered with my "intended social-life".  I was fortunate to meet a wonderful woman, whom I liked very much.  Despite our age difference our families got along well.  We were close enough for family dinners, golf outings, and attending one another's churches.  

Then one day everything changed.  I was criticized for taking advantage of our friendship.  "How could that be I thought to myself", before I started to cry.  "What was going on!"  The dinners I cooked, the clothes I had given her daughter, the items I willing loaned the family for a year, meant nothing to her in the moment of hurt feelings.  At the time, I reacted badly to my friends accusation.  I was upset and I answered her letter in anger.  I am human first, and a sinner second, and lastly a hurt friend.   

As the months have past, and God has worked on my heart, He put it upon me to apologize.  It took me a few days before I could come up with the right words of apology.  I do not want to carry hurt, nor anger in my heart.  So, I sat at my desk and I "penned" my e-mail to my friend and her husband.  As of today I have only heard from my friend's husband.  In my heart I believe that I will not get a reply from my seemingly former friend.

Breaking up with a friend at this point in my life is puts out more negative emotion than I want to expend.  The death of my Aunt Mary, her husband (my Uncle George), and my Aunt Judy was the worst day of my life.  Not a week goes by when I don't want to pick up the phone and call my Aunt Mary.  I have lost too many people in my life to grieve the loss of another friend.

Eventually, I would like to have a female, best friend in my life.  When the time is right God will bring the right person across my path.  Until then I will be more guarded, less willing to open up about the important things in our family.  I will be certain to more closely incorporate Jeremiah 17:5-7 into our daily life.

….Thus saith the Lord; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the Lord.

For he shall be like the heath in the desert, and shall not see when good cometh; but shall inhabit the parched places in the wilderness, in a salt land and not inhabited.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Just Your Average Joe

Today was the last day of our winter vacation.  I can say with all honesty that we had a really great time off.  We ended our vacation on a perfect note.  It was just the four of us, hanging out in our PJ's all day, recovering from the whirl wind of the past few weeks.  I had high hopes for today, but after I awoke with a migraine, I knew we needed a quiet day.

As a homeschooling mom, I decide when we take our vacations and when we start and end school the year.  We always start the school year early so we can have a long winter break.  By the time January 2nd rolls around I am ready to get back to our routine.  I know that tomorrow morning will be filled with complaints from my eldest daughter who won't want to get up early.  In contrast my youngest daughter will be up before the sun, ready to face the day.

As we all sat around the dinner table today I realized once again how truly blessed I am.  I live in a country where I can freely homeschool my children.  My husband has the ability to work from home so most  days we are able to have lunch and dinner together as a family.  Unlike public schools, Christ is the foundation of our curriculum.   As Christians, we strive to live a Christ centered life.  My husband and I hope we are instilling the values Christ lived by, in our children.

If you happened to see our family while we were out on our winter break; we would be that completely normal, boring family walking through the mall.  Not much about us makes us stand out.  We are nothing like any of those families you might see on reality TV.  We are not like any on the modern families you see on network TV.  We are just your average "Joe's".

I am proud to be an "average Joe" kind of family.  The world is full people seeking the lime-light.  People seeking notoriety at any cost, people who are famous because of their last name.  In my opinion, the world would be a better place if we had more "average Joe's".  If we returned to a time when family mattered and Christ was not being pushed out of our society.   Our society needs to slow down turn its focus inward, back to family and Christ.  Everything else is just over-rated.