As a Christian I have heard the expression "bible thumper" more times than I can tell you. To be completely honest, I have never had the opportunity to come close to beating anyone about the head or anywhere else with the bible. I don't think I have even come close to excessive scripture quoting either. What I do know is that I, like so many other Christians, have sat back and put up with this stereo-type because it is what Jesus would do.
So, ask me what Christian stereotypes and Obama Care have in common? Not much really except for the fact that I feel, no I know, that we as a nation are being beaten over the head with a healthcare plan that is not working. Not a day goes by when Obama Care is not the lead story on the nightly national news and the first story we see on the morning news programs. Obama Care is THE major topic on most cable news networks and satellite radio programs. OBC is everywhere.
I had no idea just how bad things had gotten until this past Friday. Paige, my 5 year old asked me: "Mamma, who is Obama care?" I could not believe what I had just heard. Paige has ADHD and can not sit long enough to watch TV, yet she knows enough to ask about Obama Care. My poor baby's ears, what has she heard? I did my best to explain to her what OB Care is, but how much can a 5 year truly comprehend? How much can our country comprehend? OBC is an ever changing beast?
The OBC situation worsened. As I was driving the next day, listening to FOX News, I heard a clip that truly angered me. Our president's wife was appealing to US moms on the virtues of Obama care. Since the Affordable Healthcare Act is not reaching all of its intended audience, Mrs. Obama suggested that mothers start reaching out to their 20 something children. Mrs. Obama was tugging at the heart strings of mothers, playing the "what if something happens" card.
If that was not despicable enough next came the "Christmas treat" comment. Since when is Christmas a time that we should be sitting around our family table discussing Obama Care? Can you imagine how that conversation would go? I realize that affordable healthcare is a major concern to most US families. It is in our home. We have a $3000.00 per year, deductible to meet, plus a $6,000.00 out of pocket max per year, but the last thing we will discuss is Obama Care.
As we sit down to our Christmas day meal, we will begin by giving thanks for the blessings bestowed on our family by the heavenly Father. We will give thanks and praise for the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ. We will pray for friends and family who could not be with us, and those struggling with illness and other needs. We will pray for a world that wants less God and individuals who wish to silence those of us who speak His name.
I do not have room in my Christmas day for conversations about our broken healthcare system. There are children to be hugged, and a giant meal to be cooked. There are prayers to be said, and naps to be taken. Christmas is a day of celebration. We are meant to open our hearts and receive the love of a newborn babe. There is no room for Obama Care in my home on this glorious day.
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