Friday, November 29, 2013

Bleak Friday

I hope that each and every one of you, reading this blog, had a  Happy Thanksgiving.  We had a wonderful day of relaxing, eating, more relaxing, and crafting.  Unlike thousands, maybe millions of other Americans, I did not set foot in one of the many chain stores, open on Thanksgiving.  I could not  imagine leaving my family to save a few dollars.

I must admit that I am extremely disappointed with number of stores, electing to open their doors on Thanksgiving day.  In 15 short years, we have gone from MOST stores being closed on American holidays, to MOST stores being open on almost ALL holidays.  Call me old fashioned but I think it wrong that corporate greed is destroying American tradition.  How long will it be before other employers follow suit?  When will greed forever change the landscape of American tradition?

Our country is undergoing serious change.  This change is effecting the principles our founding father's once fought for.  We, as Americans once lived in a country that celebrated religious freedom.  Christians, crossed the Atlantic to pursue the dream of religious freedom.  Now, modern day Christians,  are marginalized in our own country, for as little as saying "Merry Christmas".  Christ has become the new taboo, we dare not whisper His name for fear of being labeled a right winged…………, you can fill in the blank.

Cities and towns across the US have removed nativity scenes from public areas.  I am not sure what a statue of the baby Jesus or the Virgin Mary may insight but I don't think it would be negative.  For those people who are not Christian, they do not have to look at the display.  My rights as a Christian are being infringed upon when Christ is removed from the Christmas holiday.  

In one small city in Connecticut, a school system went as far as to ban secular images associated with Christmas.  Frosty the Snowman and Santa are too controversial for children,  who knows, they might be a stepping stone to Christ.  When and where did "we" as a nation get so far off course?  I am 44, political correctness is offensive to me.  Is it generation X that is driving these crazy notions?

Today, I did a lot of reflecting on past and present Thanksgivings.  I remembered, fondly, the good old days of family, big meals, and absolute boredom because there was nothing to do on Thanksgiving day.  Yesterday, our family choose to have a “retro” Thanksgiving of family, fun, and food, nothing else.  I am already getting myself ready for Christmas.  I am armed with my "Jesus Is The Reason For The Season" car magnet and my "It's OK to Wish Me Merry Christmas" pin.  

I mentioned earlier that I am old fashioned, I am also willing to stand up for what I believe in.  Where do you stand on the things I've had to say.  Are you willing to say "Merry Christmas" and mutter a meek "happy holidays".  As Christians we must be willing to proclaim the birth of Christ as readily as Christ was to die for our sins.  Jesus is the reason for this season, MERRY CHRISTMAS!

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