Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Counting My Blessings

The past month and half have been challenging for myself and my family.  I have been quite sick, and I have required hospitalization.  A week prior to my hospitalization I contracted food poisoning, and a week prior to that I had another unexpected over-night stay in the hospital.  Needless to say, September was a stressful month.

As you might expect my my recuperation carried over into October.  Much of my household duties fell unto my husband’s shoulders.  I am the luckiest wife in the world.  My husband, Claus, took charge of the house, dinners, kids, pets and everything ran smoothly.  Without the strength and love of my husband things would have been quite different.

Over the past two weeks I have thought a lot about what seemed missing from our lives.  I was focused on the what and the who I thought we needed in our lives to be happy here in our adopted home.  What I failed to realize is that my focus was in the wrong place.  I had taken my focus off of God and placed on the shoulders of "man".  With the exception of my husband and my girls, God is the Only one who can change our circumstance.

Once I placed my focus back on God things started to change, and I mean FAST.  The issues that I had been struggling with seemed to vanish over-night.  Prayer is a powerful tool, most people do not realize how powerful prayer is and how powerful God is.  Not only did God answer my prayers, He touched the hearts of other women who reached out to me.  The women who reached out to me had no way of knowing what I was longing for, or what I needed on that day in my life.  Only God can move the hearts of man.

My wish is that everyone could know God's mercy and love the way I do.  So many people look at Christians as wacky bible thumpers.  That stereo type could not be farther from the truth.  I serve a merciful God, who loves all people.  God only desires our love and obedience.  When we serve Him, He will reward us.  My life is living proof of God's mercy and grace.  Who else is capable of changing one's life, literally, over night?

So, if you are looking for a change in your life why not try God?  You have nothing to loose and everything to gain.

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