In 2006 my life changed in many ways; falling off a horse and fracturing your spine in 5 place will generally do that to a woman. Most people would think that nothing good would come out of something so life altering. My professional life came to an end, and so did the $71,000.00+ a year salary. Initially I felt that my identity was lost when I lost my job. What was I without a title and a paycheck? I had worked from the time I was 16 years old, what would others think of me without my career?
Prior to 2006 I was not a Christian. I had a strong faith in Jesus, but I had not given my life over to our savior. While I was busy recovering and trying to work out the details of my new life God was busy putting his plans into action. Little did I know then that 5 short years later would I put the same passion into my faith, my family, and my life. And so begins my Proverbs push, I want to become the superwoman of the bible. I don’t want to be Martha Stuart, I want to be the original Martha.
Since my accident I have not had the stamina or the “drive” I once had. I do not have the physical endurance and pain often limits many of the things I can do. Horse back riding is no longer an option. On thing that has never suffered is caring for my family. I realized though, there is so much more I want to give. There is more I want to be; I am not satisfied being just a good wife and mother, I want to be a great wife and mother.
My husband and children deserve all of me, not what is left over after a day of stress. Some women may read and say:
“Are you joking? What planet are you on?”
My Proverbs push however is not a burden or extra work in my already busy schedule. I actually find myself taking pride in trying to live by Proverbs 31:10-31. I am making myself happy by seeing my family happy. I have accomplished more in the last 5 years than I ever did in my professional career. I am raising my children and shaping their lives; I am truly blessed to have this opportunity.
Not everyone woman can stay home to run a household and homeschool her children. Even women who work outside the home can make small changes in her life to honor God, family, and self. We may never know if the Proverbs woman was a real woman or one created as an example of what a woman should be. I have come to love a passage that once upon a time I would have considered oppressive. Everything we do should be done to glorify God; I can think of no better way to glorify God than by honoring and cherishing my family.
Love your blog post. So sorry that you lost your other one.