Monday, March 10, 2014

More Than Words

Lately, I have been dealing with a serious case of writer's block.  My life is moving at a pace that is not conducive to so-called down time.  I feel like a hamster running on one of those little wheels, always in motion but getting nowhere.  We all have these days, but I don't think we own up to them enough.  We, as women, are supposed to be super moms, wives, and women, doing it all with ease and finesse.

I am a firm believer that what happens in our lives is a result of God's bigger plan for us.  Since 2006 God has placed many obstacles and challenges in my path, and that of my family.  Each challenge, though difficult, strengthened some aspect of our life.  No challenge was ever more than I or my spouse, Claus could handle.  Prayer became our life line to God.  God was always listening.

People who do not believe in the power of prayer have often asked:  "How do you know God is listening?"  "How does God speak to you?"  Life would be much easier if God could just answer our prayers immediately, in a grand, Fatherly tone.   After many years of prayer and reflection I have finally come to accept that God works in His time and on His terms.  We, as His children, need to be patient, faithful, and open to anyway God could reveal His will.

For several months a particular issue been on my heart, and taking up too my space in my already full mind.  I have prayed and asked God for guidance, direction,  and most of all wisdom.  For a very long time God seemed silent to my prayers.  I started to believe that maybe my problem was not meant to be resolved; and then it happened, God spoke.

So how does God speak to someone on a Monday morning?  How do I know it was God?  There are times in life when mere words take on extraordinary meaning.  Today, I happened to be listening to a new program on satellite radio. This program addressed the specific issue I had been praying about.  I was filled with praise because this 30 minute program gave me the encouragement I needed to change my state of mind.  I truly feel that God was speaking through this program.

God is great!  God has "spoken" to me many other times in my life, through many other “instruments.”  When I have listened to His messages or followed His word, life has been good, not always easy but good.  God can speak to all of us if we are willing to listen.  First we must start with faith and prayer.  I can't imagine where our lives would be without our Savior.  I am confident that He will continue to help me on my life path.  .

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